Monday, June 27, 2011

Doll for Danny

I finally finished this doll today...

I wonder if I'll ever make it clothes.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our Garden This Year

This year, our garden is twice a big as last year's...

I put up this fence, but didn't end up digging down and burying it because I had to take a lot of breaks for naps and throwing up.  This has already proved to be problematic...  Rabbits got under and ate ALL of the cabbages, broccoli, peas (about 30 pea plants) and most of the kale in ONE NIGHT.  We woke up and it was all gone.  But when we got home from Clearwater, we found our super wonderful neighbor (who is sharing the space for the garden) had re-planted the peas, plus more.  We've had some colder days and they are coming up very fast.  Here's Danny next to the peas...

We still have carrots and peppers which the rabbits overlooked...

And we think/hope this vine is a returning cucumber, but we're not sure because the cukes were on the other side of the garden last year...  It might just be a pretty weed, please comment if you know.

There will be tomatoes and sunflowers...

And I planted some zucchini seeds yesterday, we should be able to harvest those at the end of August.
Also, when I was in NY I had the treat of a gift certificate from my brother and Vera for Brooklyn General and I got this exciting stack of beauties...

That's flannel on the top for some pajamas I have planned for the boys this fall.  And I've been craving these books for a long time.  Yipee!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Dear Joe,
After posting that picture of you on your last day of kindergarten, I went back and found this picture of you on your first day, over two years ago.  You've grown so much!

First day 2009
Last day 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

June So Far/Hello, New Person

What June has brought so far (besides the road trip to NY just me and my mom and the boys):  
Turtle rescues...

and release...

Sewing projects for teacher gifts...

The last day of a two-year stretch of Kindergarten...


Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam...

A new camera for my 30th birthday.  It has a really great zoom so I can take pictures like this...

These tadpoles-turned-frogs have since been released.  Here is a summery picture of Danny...

And lastly, this little person has come to be...

He is due in December, now we have a baby for every season.

Hula Loop

Joe and I made this Hula Hoop on Wednesday..